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Help and FAQs

A commitment to serving our extended Alumni family throughout their career.


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GIHE Alumni

I. FAQs for Alumni and other users

1. What is the Glion alumni network?

The Glion alumni network consists of a community of 14,000+ alumni. Its goal is to nurture the Glion Spirit and support all Glion alumni worldwide during their professional and personal lives. Glion alumni are represented in 60+ countries worldwide by local communities or “Chapters”. Each Chapter has one or more Chapter Ambassadors who are responsible to animate and support the local Glion community. The Chapters are supervised by the AAG Committee, which is elected by the alumni every three years.

While offering exclusive advantages to its members, the Glion alumni network is dedicated to keep excellent connections with the Industry. It collaborates with hundreds of business leaders, recruiters, head-hunters and industry experts. Therefore, not only alumni can have an account on the alumni platform; any company interested in hiring Glion alumni can create an account here.

2. How can I be part of the Glion alumni network and how do I stay connected?

If you have graduated from Glion or if you have reached your last semester, you are automatically a Glion alum. As such, you normally have an account that was automatically generated on the alumni platform ; an activation link was emailed to you at the last email addresses we have on file. If you don’t know how to access your account, please read the below I have difficulties to connect question.

Aside from the alumni platform, we encourage you to stay connected on social media. The Alumni of Glion Worldwide Facebook group has over 6,000 active members and there are many Facebook groups dedicated to local Glion communities. You may also want to connect with our LinkedIn profile.

3. I have difficulties to connect to the Glion alumni Platform or I have lost my credentials

If you can’t connect to your personal account on this platform, it is for one of the below reasons:

If you have an account but have lost your password

Simply click the “I lost my password” link on the login page and you will be able to request a password reset link to be sent at the email address associated with your account 

If you have an account but have lost the email address associated with it

If you lost your email address, please click here to create a new account

4. How can I receive emails about the Glion alumni network activities? (events, jobs, …)

If you have a personal account on this platform, you need to authorize us to send you emails by adjusting your emailing preferences. By default, GDPR legislation forbids us to send you email campaigns without your explicit consent.

5. How can I organize an event for alumni / promote an event to alumni?

If you are an alum with a Chapter Ambassador role

You can post an event request for the Glion Alumni Team to review using your admin login. Your request will soon be reviewed. Once approved, it will be published on the events page to all relevant alumni.

If you are not an alum with a Chapter Ambassador role

You can submit an event request for the Glion Alumni Team to review, using this form. Please give as many details as possible (date, venue, payment options, expected number of guests, …) and you will receive feedback within 48 hours. If approved, your event will be promoted on the events page to all relevant alumni. 

6. How can I promote career opportunities to Glion alumni?

If you are an alum or if you have a recruiter account on the Glion alumni platform

You can post a job opportunity request for the Glion Alumni Team to approve, using this form. Your request will be reviewed within 48 hours. Once approved, it will be published on the career opportunities page to all relevant alumni.

If you are not an alum and don’t have a recruiter account

You can request the creation of a new recruiter account here. Once your account is created and activated, you will be able to post job opportunities, using this form

II. FAQs only applying to alumni

1. I need a copy of my degree/transcripts or other school certifications

Please request your copy of academic documents using this form. You will receive a feedback from our Registrar Office within three days.


2. I am looking for a new career opportunity or career support

The Glion Alumni Team can support you by directing you towards dedicated job boards. Besides, it can assist you in connecting with an alum or a recruiter from a specific company, provided you have a clear plan of where you would like to apply. You can read the below recommendations and send a career support request to the Glion Alumni Team using this form.

Job boards

All vacancies specifically addressed to Glion by our business partners can be found on our career opportunities page, using your user login. We also advise you to browse all relevant job boards (LinkedIn, Hosco, Indeed, …).

Social Media groups

If you already have an idea about the opportunity you are looking for (location, industry, position type and/or company), don’t hesitate to call your fellow alumni for tips and support on dedicated social media groups. In particular, you should request membership at the most active Facebook group Alumni of Glion Worldwide, which has over 6,000 members constantly exchanging career insights, opportunities and other tips. As an alum, your request will be approved within a week. Similarly, you should ask your fellow alumni for help on the Facebook groups for alumni in your current/target country (e.g. “Glion Alumni in Paris”). You can also request to join our LinkedIn profile.

Introducing you to specific alumni or recruiters

If you have a precise idea about your ideal position, and if you are able to specify your top preferences in terms of locations, companies and positions/job functions, the Glion Alumni Team may offer to introduce you to connections (alumni or recruiters) working at your target companies. This depends on the preferences of the targeted connections, as well as other parameters. You can request the Glion Alumni Team to look for connections in specific companies using this form.

3. I am moving to a new city/country. Can the local alumni community offer support?

Yes, absolutely. We recommend you contact the Chapter Ambassador of your new city/country. You can access the list of all alumni Chapters worldwide on our Chapters page.

We also recommend that you reach out to your fellow alumni for tips and support via the Facebook group dedicated to Glion alumni in your new city/country (e.g. “Glion alumni in Paris”). If this is not working, you may also reach out to the Alumni of Glion Worldwide Facebook group.

4. I would like to promote my company or a project to the Glion alumni network

Glion encourages all alumni to promote their ventures and projects. You can read the below recommendations and send us a request to promote your project using this form.

Promote your project on the Glion alumni platform

We encourage you to promote your project towards the entire Glion alumni community. Tell us more about it using this form.

Promote your project on Glion social media

We encourage you to post articles about your project (e.g. company website, press article) on LinkedIn and Facebook typing the hashtags #glion, #glionspirit and/or #glionalumni. Don’t hesitate to @mention us by typing @aag (on LinkedIn) or @alumniassociationglion (on Facebook) to notify us. If you have press/online magazine articles featuring your project, you can request us to post it using the form. Don’t hesitate to post on Facebook groups such as Alumni of Glion Worldwide or local groups (e.g. “Glion Alumni in Paris”).

Promote your project by offering special deals to fellow alumni

A great way to promote your company or project is by offering advantages, deals discounts or other benefits to fellow Glion alumni. You may post your promotional deals on our Marketplace page.

Request to be interviewed by the Glion Alumni Team

Are you an entrepreneur? A business leader? Or do you simply wish to share your personal story? Then, you may indicate your interest to be interviewed by the Glion Alumni Team by filling out the form and checking the “I’d like to promote my project” option.

Present your project to Glion students during a class

Can your project/company relate to a class taught at Glion? Then, you can request to give Glion students a presentation during an on-campus lecture or a webinar. Simply fill out the form. Please note that the presentation must bring a pedagogical added value to students and cannot only serve to promote your business.

Hire Glion students, interns or alumni

Do you need interns? Beta-testers to test your new apps? Trainees to perform a market research survey? Then, we are happy to help you find the right profile. Depending on the mission, you may be able to hire students with no financial cost, e.g. by offering them an applied business project – a project integrated to their curriculum. Simply indicate your requirements in the form.

If you are looking to hire an alum (junior or senior), we invite you to post your open positions on our career opportunities page, using your personal user account.

5. I would like to contact a fellow alum, but I don’t have his/her contact details

Using your user login, you can search alumni and registered recruiters in our directory, filtering them by keywords and other criteria (e.g. location). Please note that you will only see the profiles of those users who consented to appear in the directory.

6. I would like to share my story with Glion alumni or give an interview

Are you an entrepreneur? A business leader? Or do you simply wish to share your personal story? Then, you may indicate your interest to be interviewed by the Glion Alumni Team by filling out this form and checking the “I’d like to promote my project” option.

7. I would like to book a visit or a lunch/dinner on Glion campus

We are always very happy to welcome you back on our campuses to catch up with you and show you our campus innovations. In 2018, we have opened two new restaurants on the Glion campus and one on the Bulle campus. You can see all new restaurant details and book your campus visits via this form.